To date, the meaning of the word “geopolitics” is still unclear to most people. In fact, many ask themselves: But what is geopolitics really and what is the object of the analysis of this discipline? How does it differ from politics? Recurring questions that reveal a sense of disorientation among a good part of the world’s population towards this discipline. In short we could define it: The study of relationships and competition between the states of the world. This competition takes place both on land, at sea and in the air and, starting from the 1950s, also in space. The essence of geopolitics is all here. This discipline has no other objective than to outline the state and developments (as well as the history) of relationships, conflictual and otherwise, between the various geopolitical entities (states) of the world. It is very different from politics which is a discipline that concerns the internal dynamics, legislative and otherwise, and the structural and territorial organization (administrative divisions etc.) of a single nation. Geopolitical analysis analyzes the cause and effect relationships of events, treaties, wars or agreements that the various states of the world conclude. From a certain point of view, geopolitical analysis is very similar to historical analysis. Its task is to analyze not only the facts themselves but also their causes, their effects and their consequences. Geopolitical analysis must always be accompanied by an adequate historical analysis. This is because it is always very important to analyze the historical background of any event in order to be able to define its “historical features” and understand the causes and impact on the reality of the contemporary world. Geopolitics is a “Machiavellian” discipline. That is, it is independent of moral considerations or “metaphysical factors” that can be attributed to certain events. His analysis also ignores “idealisms” of any nature and is aimed only at what Machiavelli defined as “effective truth” or the reality of things and events in their absolute crudeness (in geopolitical analysis the geopolitical dynamics it is analyzed as it is and not as we would like it to be). This is a fundamental premise when addressing the topic of the object of this discipline. Because if it is true that the definition we gave above is correct, it is also true that the object of geopolitics is power, or the dynamics of power in the relationships between the states of the world. And such an analysis cannot help but be scabrous. In the world there is nothing more monstrous and immoral than reason of state and the struggle for power. In the face of which rules do not apply, morality does not apply, international law does not apply. This is something that should always be made clear. Also because “true” geopolitical analysis (since it is “pure” and not watered down by propaganda) can often be uncomfortable and unworkable for power itself. No wrongdoer admits to being a criminal and the states that commit crimes (practically all of them) have no interest in admitting and making public their wrongdoings. This is why today geopolitical information (it would be better to define it as “so-called geopolitical information”) is controlled by power itself (just do a search on the ownership of the major newspapers “specializing” in the matter to understand who they belong to). With obvious consequences on the level of truthfulness of the information itself.
Geopolitical analysis is fundamental for understanding the dynamics of the contemporary and future world as well as, if associated with historical analysis, those of the past world. Without an accurate geopolitical analysis there can be no understanding of the reasons for certain developments in relations between the states of the world, the reasons for wars (which recurrently break out on the global geopolitical stage) and the meaning of the decisions of the leaderships policies of various countries around the world. Geopolitical analysis defines the causes and effects of events that have a direct impact on the world’s populations. International agreements, wars, peace treaties, trade agreements, diplomatic relations and everything that concerns competition, alliances or clashes between the nations of the planet. Without an accurate geopolitical analysis, the reasons for the real dynamics of the world would remain unknown. And there would be nothing left but propaganda. That propaganda that hammers and manipulates minds, always placing a veil on the real dynamics of the world. And which has come to “permeate” the geopolitical discipline to the point of making the boundaries of both undefined. That propaganda through which power hides its true intentions and never shows its Luciferian nature. This is why today it is essential to defend geopolitics from external interference and agreements of convenience with other disciplines. So that geopolitical analysis is not transformed into mere propaganda disclosure. In mere instrument of power. All this becomes much more difficult in times of war like the ones we are experiencing today. Since the states we live in are part of it. The hope is that our dear geopolitical discipline may not be overwhelmed by the course of events and by “force majeure” (which in truth we fear very much) which impose a “forced” interpretation on the facts. And which determine, in some way, the death of the “true” and the dominance of the “false” in mainstream information. Something we don’t want but strongly fear.