Covid 19 pandemic and third world war


Let’s not go into the scientific merit of the (so-called) Covid-19 pandemic. Everything has already been said about it. Both from those who affirmed its existence and from those who did not believe in it at all. For us the issue is neither medical nor scientific but purely geopolitical. And even if it may seem strange that there is a geopolitical connection with this sad affair, it is certain that this connection exists and that it did not arise by chance. On the other hand, it has served not only the interests of big US and European capital (the owners of the pharmaceutical industries that produced the anti-Covid vaccines are the same ones who control Western financial capital) which has drawn enormous profits from it but also to put an end to globalization and world trade as we have known it on the world geoeconomic scene that took shape after the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991). This is because the plans for economic domination of the world perpetrated by the USA have clashed with the sad reality of an advancing China which has benefited from world trade far more than the USA has. Chinese economic expansion has been so strong and impetuous that it now directly threatens the interests of Washington which, due to the enormous commercial exchange between Europe and China, risks losing control over its main and most important vassal. Which would decree the downgrading of the USA from a hegemonic power to a regional and marginal power on the global geopolitical chessboard. The pandemic was also fundamental in bringing to power in Washington the most extreme political fringe and inclined to bring the conflict for the maintenance of world power to its extreme consequences (we see the implications today with the war in Ukraine and with the risk of a third world war). Let’s try to understand why.


Perhaps not everyone knows that in the USA two distinct lines of thought have emerged at a political level over the last few years. The first is that of the neoconservatives, linked to the deep state (i.e. the financial capital of Wall Street) represented today politically by the American Democratic Party. This current of thought is linked to the virtual economy which has its pillar in the US stock exchange. For it, the real economy has less weight than the virtual one and the relocation of American industry is not in itself a problem. This political current has a very specific vision of maintaining US leadership in the world and has the pivot of its geostrategic vision in the open conflict with Russia (and the neoconservatives have in fact brought us to this with the international situation we are experiencing today). The other current is the one personified in recent years by the figure of former president Trump. It is much more linked to the real economy and the US industrial complex than to the parasitic virtual economy of that enormous casino that has now become Wall Street. It opposes the massive industrial delocalization (which has led the industrial districts of the Great Lakes region and Pennsylvania to the strong downsizing that we all know in the last two decades) that the US economy has experienced in recent decades and proposes the relaunch of the economy USA precisely with the repatriation of US industrial potential. In foreign policy, it is in favor of a global agreement with Russia and China that delimits their respective interests in specific macro-regions of the world. So will you say? What does all this have to do with the covid -19 pandemic? Simple. It served to overturn the electoral results in the last American presidential elections. Thanks to postal voting (tens of thousands of people were able to vote, due to restrictions due to the epidemic, only through this voting method) the electoral result was overturned in favor of the Democratic candidate despite the victory of the Republican candidate in the polls. This is demonstrated by the fact that in many US counties practically the entire postal election was in favor of Biden while Trump received practically no votes. This is against the laws of statistics. On the other hand, in many counties more voters were reported than the residents themselves and in some cases it appears that deceased people also voted. The fraud was so numerous and obvious that it is incomprehensible how such a brazen coup could have succeeded. The deep state used the pandemic to liquidate Trump and his political/geopolitical course and was thus able to give rise to conflict with antagonistic powers to maintain its hegemonic role in the world. Without this trick, data in hand,


We have already discussed in this blog Beijing’s efforts for the creation of a new Silk Road or for that set of infrastructure projects aimed at increasing commercial exchange between China and Europe. All this as a consequence of a strategic vision aimed at increasing Beijing’s influence on the old continent. The initiative has met with some success and has been signed by a large number of European countries (including Italy) interested in increasing exports to the immense Chinese market. The enthusiasm surrounding the initiative, however, alarmed Washington which saw the Chinese economic and commercial initiative as a threat to its hegemony on the European continent. Then, in February 2020 the Covid 19 pandemic exploded, throwing global trade into crisis with a drastic reduction in imports and consumption caused by intermittent lockdowns. In fact, with the excuse of the epidemic, the West “closed” its markets to Chinese exports, sending Beijing a very clear warning. In this reading, the epidemic reveals itself as a mere economic and geopolitical weapon aimed at countering Chinese economic expansionism on the European continent. This result could not be achieved except in this way (or with an actual war). Nothing better therefore than an exceptional event, an epidemic that came from nowhere (even if its spread was attributed to Beijing), a cause of force majeure through which to frustrate Chinese expansionist aims and frighten them with the specter of overproduction (the greatest threat for a commercial power is the closure, spontaneous or forced, of its outlet markets). 


Another purpose of the Covid-19 pandemic was to experience the conditions of a real “state of war” among the populations of Western countries (probably due to world war scenarios that the elites predicted would take shape). In fact there is no doubt that all the measures taken during the pandemic (officially with the aim of preventing or stopping the contagion of the virus) are nothing more than state of war measures. The curfew, food rationing, limitations and controls on movement within the various national territories are nothing more than state of war measures and in no way could they have been applied and tested except on the occasion of an exceptional event like that of a “killer epidemic” described by the media as the black death (the bubonic plague epidemic of 1348, so to speak). All this served to test the degree of tolerance of populations (those of Western countries) no longer accustomed to situations of war and consequent deprivations. It was a sort of test for what lies ahead in the future. But how to say it explicitly? Better to blame all this on a damned contingency, on an invisible monster that came from nowhere to torment the dreams of this part of the world. Two years after the epidemic, coincidentally, the war really broke out. And right on our borders. Most thought it could never happen. Yet it happened. Just a coincidence or was all this decided a long time ago? We believe in the second hypothesis.


In the hope that what is written in this article does not harm anyone’s sensitivity and beliefs, we felt obliged to offer our reading of what has happened in the West for three years now. On the other hand, it is not easy to interpret events such as those of the Covid-19 pandemic from a purely geopolitical perspective. The emotionality and pain of many people (consequent to the loss of loved ones due to illness) often pushes them to attack anyone who offers an alternative vision to that of mainstream information. Unfortunately, geopolitical analysis (as well as historical analysis) ignores feelings and emotions. In this context, competition and power relations between nations are analysed. And in this dynamic there is no room, alas, for emotions and feelings. The task of geopolitical analysis (in the same way as historical analysis) is the analysis of what Machiavelli defined as “effective truth” or the concrete reality of things, as they are and not as one would like them to be. Things that very often can be terrible but, unfortunately, that’s the way it is.

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