Divide and conquer: Condition and development of the Western geopolitical and geostrategic vision


If there is one thing that the ongoing world war and the geostrategic confrontation with Moscow has dramatically highlighted, it is that the divide and conquer strategy, the true pivot of the geopolitical and geostrategic action of the Anglo-Saxon empire for over five centuries , has entered into a crisis and has not produced concrete results in winning and taming the claims of Russia and China’s rise to world power and, above all, has not managed to separate and divide the two former red giants in order to weaken them and face them separately ( which would have made it possible to face the threat they represented from a position of greater strength). This is because, despite what many geopolitical analysts claim, the economies and geopolitical interests of Moscow and Beijing appear completely complementary. Russia needs the Chinese market to sell its immense production of raw materials (even more so now that it has broken off trade relations with the West). China desperately needs the latter for its economy, for its growth and development. The fact that the transport of the latter takes place (or can in any case take place, in case of necessity) by land makes it immune from any naval blockade that the Anglo-Saxon thalassocracy may impose on it. And, if that were not enough, Beijing today desperately needs Russian military technology (the best in the world), as well as the support of Russian satellite “coverage”, to be able to compete militarily on equal terms with the USA and its vassals. Russia also represents Beijing’s best instrument to wear down and exhaust the West militarily and economically in the ongoing geopolitical conflict between East and West and the fact that the latter has been dragged into a more or less direct clash with Moscow in Eastern Europe comes in very handy in Beijing. Since it not only allows large NATO forces to be kept away from the geopolitical chessboard of the Far East, but also involves the West in a very expensive, exhausting and unwinnable war. For these reasons, the alliance between the two former red giants appears today completely inseparable. And it is for these same reasons that the Anglo-Saxon divide and conquer strategy was unable to do anything against this alliance.


Having noted such a state of affairs (also considering the level of existential threat that the alliance between Moscow and Beijing represents for the Anglo-Saxon empire) led Washington and London to attempt to separate the two former red giants by force. The war in Ukraine must be seen in this context. Defeating Russia militarily in Ukraine would have allowed the collapse of the Russian state apparatus and a regime change functional to Anglo-Saxon interests. In the hope that a landslide victory in Eastern Europe would induce the new Russian political leadership not to oppose Anglo-Saxon hegemony in the world and to align itself with the wishes of the West. The fact is that things did not go as planned and hoped and what was supposed to be a new Afghanistan for Russia is turning into a new Vietnam for the USA. Something which terrifies the Anglo-Saxon political and military leaders and which is starting to make the whole West tremble since if Russia is not defeated in Ukraine there will be no possibility for the latter to maintain its hegemony. In summary, if the “forced” divide and conquer strategy (i.e. achieved by military means) were to fail, it is clear that Washington and London’s claim to maintaining their dominion over the entire world will definitively “shipwreck”. This is why the Western establishment is so insistent on the “Ukrainian enterprise”. We must subdue Moscow at all costs and isolate Beijing to face the Dragon from an irrepressible position of strength. If this does not happen, it will be the end for the West. This is the crux of the matter (also revealed by many Anglo-Saxon political and Western finance representatives). The way to maintain hegemony passes through Moscow and if this proves impracticable (as it was for large armies and coalitions in the more or less recent past) it will be the collapse of Anglo-Saxon domination over the world. The fact is that the direction that events on the ground are taking reveals all the ambition of the Anglo-Saxon geopolitical and geostrategic vision. And it doesn’t seem possible (as it never was for anyone in the past) to defeat Russia on the field. The video documents that we analyze every day (and which come to us from independent sources) show us a bleak picture for the NATO military forces engaged in the field (this is what they are, even if they are generally defined as the “Ukrainian army”). Which, despite the immense human and material resources obtained, do not seem capable of breaking through the Russian lines and putting Moscow’s army in crisis.


In light of what has just been written, it is completely clear how the geopolitical and geostrategic vision of Washington and London appears not only short-sighted but also completely inconsistent. The “geopolitical perspective” from which the Anglo-Saxon empire observes the evolution of the global geopolitical picture is very similar to that of Hitler and Napoleon. Both made war on Russia to subdue the Anglo-Saxon empire. Both considered the defeat and subjugation of Russia an essential condition for the defeat of London. Both thought that placing Moscow (at the time an ally of London) under their hegemony would lead to the isolation and defeat of the English empire. The attempts made in this sense, however, ended up destroying the German and French armies that attempted the feat. To the full advantage of London, which maintained global and liquid power, its bitter and fearsome rivals. Today the Anglo-Saxon empire faces Russia militarily to subdue and isolate the overflowing Chinese power. The game for power and world hegemony passes through Moscow once again. If Moscow “falls” it will be possible to isolate, tame and bring Beijing under the Western “egis”. Conceptually, the West would be able to prevent the Dragon from creating a new world order (Chinese-led) and would force the Middle Empire to assimilate to the Anglo-Saxon-led world order. These are the terms of the question. And this is the huge stakes in the game being played on the global geopolitical chessboard. Defeat Russia militarily to isolate Beijing and force it to be more gentle. A divide et impera sui generis dictated by the contingencies of the time. A modern reinterpretation of the age-old Western strategy. We’ll see how it ends. And we will also see if, as our politicians often like to say, “this time it’s different”. But, based on our analysis of the circumstances, today’s situation follows, with striking similarity, that of past attempts. May God protect the West. And that enlightens him on the right path to follow.

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