The importance of Iran in the global and Middle Eastern geopolitical context


Since the Second World War, Iran’s importance in the Middle Eastern and global geopolitical context has progressively increased. Especially after the Islamic revolution of 1979 which placed the country outside the sphere of influence of the Anglo-Saxon empire (and in clear contrast with it). Today the importance of the Persian country is linked above all to its strategic position on very important trade routes which do not only concern the oil trade. In fact, today Tehran not only has a crucial position on the Strait of Hormuz and therefore on the transit of crude oil extracted in the Persian Gulf area but, through Yemen, it also controls the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb and the enormous commercial traffic of which it is ‘ “hero”. In fact, much of the trade between Europe and the countries of the Far East passes through this strait. We are talking about a very significant share of world trade. The role that pro-Iranian Shiite militias are playing in the region became clear when the conflict broke out in Palestine. Major Israeli cargo ships have been hit by cruise missiles allegedly coming from Yemen and others have been hijacked and seized. The position of the small Middle Eastern state is of fundamental importance for controlling and, on occasion, threatening commercial traffic in the area. And, considering that an international Saudi-led expedition (in which Western special troops also actively participated) was unable to do anything against the Houthi rebels (i.e. the pro-Iranian Shiite faction that controls the western part of the country) it is obvious that the position of Tehran in this area has significantly strengthened to the detriment of the Saudi and Western ones. Which makes the Persian country a first-rate geopolitical player in this geopolitical chessboard. Over the last thirty years, Iran has significantly strengthened its influence in Syria, Lebanon and, thanks to the fall of Saddam Hussein wanted by the USA, in neighboring Iraq (a country whose population is predominantly Shiite). Which has made relations with Israel increasingly tense, which sees the Persian country as its main geopolitical rival. Tel Aviv actually appears today surrounded by hostile states. Many of which are financed and supported by Tehran which has effectively broken the Israeli project for the creation of a greater Israel in the Middle East. The geopolitical strengthening of the Persian state in the Middle East was also favored by the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia. Which led to a historic defeat for Israel and for the policies of Washington and London in the Middle Eastern region (Iran and Saudi Arabia agreement to restore diplomatic relations ( And it has, on the other hand, favored the interests of Moscow and Beijing in this specific geopolitical arena. Iran therefore appears today stronger and more powerful than ever and, without a shadow of a doubt, the most powerful state in the entire Middle East. Also thanks to the very strong economic and military protection that Moscow and Beijing have been able to guarantee him. Making all Western projects of economic and military strangulation of the Persian country ephemeral.


In addition to its geopolitical influence on the Middle Eastern geopolitical scene, Tehran still remains a fundamental player in the global geoeconomic balance today. Iran is in fact one of the main producers of hydrocarbons in the world (second producer of gas and fifth of oil) and its exports are becoming increasingly important for the countries of the Far East (literally hungry for energy given the economic boom in progress) and the Indian subcontinent.Therefore, also considering the demographic dynamics of these geographical areas (and the related energy consumption) it is obvious that the weight of Tehran as a strategic supplier of raw materials will exponentially increase the economic weight of the Middle Eastern country, making it an indispensable economic partner for economic giants such as China and India. It is therefore clear that the geopolitical and economic weight of the Persian country is destined to grow inexorably also in consideration of the importance that the country has in the geopolitical and geostrategic vision of Moscow and Beijing. Who absolutely need it to contain US interference in the Middle East. Therefore, despite the backward image that the Western media tries to give of the Middle Eastern country, Iran appears stronger and more solid than ever and ready to extend its influence even further on the Asian continent. Militarily and economically.


Iran’s economic and geopolitical weight has progressively strengthened in recent years and is destined to increase by virtue of the economic and geopolitical developments taking place today. The image of the country shown in the West is completely misleading and untrue. Even the entire campaign for Iranian women’s rights staged in the West appears as a mere political tool against a bitter geopolitical enemy of the West (because, for example, the same is not done for the rights of Saudi women and many other Sunni countries where women’s conditions are much worse than those in Iran?). The truth is that the relevance of the Middle Eastern country is constantly increasing and its tentacles seem to extend in all directions. Even in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea where it is capable of causing serious damage to the cargo ships of hostile countries (thus threatening the most important trade route in the world). Even in Palestine where he is questioning the dominance of the Israeli army. And even in the Far East where its hydrocarbons will soon be indispensable for the most dynamic economies in the world. This is reality’. Even though such developments are greatly feared and opposed throughout the West.

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