We are at the end of an era. Analysis of global geopolitical reality beyond appearances


If there is one thing that we have tried to highlight well on this blog, it is the nature of the ongoing global conflict between the Anglo-Saxon empire on the one hand and the Sino-Russian bloc on the other (with its accompanying satellite states). . The ongoing clash between the Anglo-Saxon hegemon and the Eurasian counter-power has all the distinctive features of a world war aimed at deciding who should take (or keep) the reins of world power. Almost all the conflicts taking place on the planet can be traced back to this dynamic and it would be a big mistake to consider them separately (without inserting them into the context of the ongoing world war). Since they are mere “appendages” of a single context and a single world war. The ongoing war developments are the result of decisions made in the establishments of the main global geopolitical players (USA, UK, Russia and China) many years ago. We could say that the ongoing war developments are the natural consequence of the economic and military expansion of Moscow and Beijing and the reaction of Washington and London to it. War was simply inevitable as the economic expansion, power and wealth of the Sino-Russian bloc came to directly threaten Anglo-Saxon hegemony. The world war scenario had already appeared very clear when Russia, in 2013, intervened militarily in Syria to prevent the overthrow of Assad decided by the West (in the wake of what had already happened in Libya with Gaddafi). Putin’s determination meant that Washington and London retaliated by plotting a coup in Kiev in an attempt to take away its most important vassal from Moscow and turn it against it (even militarily). Since the success of the plan, the West has done nothing other than arm the Ukrainian army and fortify the territories in the east of the country in view of a war with Russia. Which, well aware of these dynamics, prepared itself, in the same period of time, for the conflict which, it was evident, would explode sooner or later. The same strategy was implemented with rearmament and the West’s unconditional support for Taiwan. Which will inevitably lead to a conflict in the South China Sea. Further expanding the theater of the ongoing world war. All this should make most people reflect on how dramatic contemporary geopolitical developments are and what awaits us in the near future. It will be a future of wars, of economic depression (beyond the fictitious data that are fed to us on a daily basis) of probable general mobilization and upheavals that only planetary conflicts can produce. Something very similar to what already happened in the two world wars of the 20th century. It is the price to pay for the historic reset of world power and for the geopolitical rise of the two former red giants. They have become, a few years after the abandonment of the communist economic model, fundamental players on the global geopolitical stage. All this should make us aware that we are at the end of an era. The era of Pax Americana and the well-being it produced (in the West more than elsewhere). The era in which the first world was able to prosper and live beyond its means (thanks to the debt-based Western financial system but also thanks to the exploitation of half the world’s resources). The era that made the Western establishment so proud that it deluded it about its presumed messianic nature and its indispensable prerogatives over the entire world.


But, beyond the messianic visions that every hegemon has always cultivated, the current geopolitical reality seems to be only the natural outcome of a particular period in the history of humanity. An almost inevitable development after the great political changes that involved Russia and China at the end of the 20th century (WORLD GEOPOLITICS AND THE COLLAPSE OF URSS (geopolitika.it)). The overcoming of the communist economic models adopted by the two countries already “contained”, in essence, the current geopolitical developments. And it could not be otherwise, considering the economic, military and demographic size of the two former red giants. This process, favored if not determined by the West, turned out to be a real boomerang for Washington and London and a very serious historical mistake if considered from the perspective of world power and hegemony. A sort of Pyrrhic victory that deluded the Anglo-Saxon political leadership into thinking it could dominate the global geopolitical scenario indefinitely. Which today proposes a vast international coalition against those who threaten its power. In the hope of being able to counteract those enormous energies that he himself has contributed to releasing and which are at the basis of the power of his bitter antagonists. The West even managed to embroil itself in a direct war with Moscow even though it was well aware of the problems of such a geostrategic initiative. And how destructive such a comparison can be. If nothing else after the historical experiences of Hitler and Napoleon who, by launching themselves into the enterprise, had given the greatest geopolitical and geostrategic gift to the perfidious Albion (which thanks to the alliance with Moscow was able to destroy its mortal enemies) by going inexorably destroyed in the attempt to bend the Russian empire to their will. This is in a desperate attempt to overthrow the current Russian establishment and break the alliance between Moscow and Beijing which is deadly for the geopolitical interests and hegemony of Washington and London (https://www.geopolitika.it/en/divide-and-conquer-condition-and-development-of-the-western-geopolitical-and-geostrategic-vision/ ). An objective that will obviously fail if the confrontation in Ukraine does not go as hoped. And considering that NATO, despite its direct involvement in the conflict and an immense supply of weapons, is unable to prevail on the field, this already appears as a wake-up call. Like the technological gap that the direct military confrontation is revealing very clearly. And which raises serious reflections on the advisability of a military budget, the Western one, which appears impressive and useless at the same time.


The scenario just described provides us with indications of a world in flux that calls for profound changes in the geopolitical and geoeconomic structures of the world. This is not to say that the West will be defeated in the ongoing military confrontation with the East. We do not know how the conflict will evolve and who will prevail. What is certain is that at the end of the latter the world will no longer be the same. Likewise, world wealth, in all likelihood, will be distributed in a very different way than in the past and in a less favorable way for the West. Which will have to deal with the new balance of power structures in the world and with new geopolitical realities not inclined to a subordinate role (think of India or Brazil) in the global geopolitical context. The West will, yes, still be an important part of the world but not the only one (as the Anglo-Saxon political leadership still seems to believe). Its demographic, economic and geopolitical weight will undergo a profound reduction. This will be the price to pay for the planetary changes that the incessant historical evolution will inexorably impose on all of us. Whether hegemons and aspiring hegemons like it or not.

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